Stephan i Verena izlažu u Motovunu
Datum objave: 14.07.2008. 12:31

U petak 18. srpnja u 20 sati u motovunskoj privatnoj loggi Eve i Lothara Justa, uz donja gradska vrata, preko puta crkve St. Maria della Porta otvorit ce se izložba njemackog dvojca Stephana i Verene. Oni putuju Europom kao slobodni umjetnici od 1994. godine. Rade uglavnom u zanimljivim, praznim ili neupotrebljavanim zgradama i prostorima u kojima stvaraju i prireduju izložbe moderne umjetnosti koja se odnosi na povijest tih zgrada i prostora, te naglašava i oživljava odnos ljudi i prostora u kojem žive. 

Sve izložene umjetnine Stephan i Verena kreirali su na samome mjestu izlaganja. Medu slikama koje ce biti izložene bit ce i kompjuterski preradenih fotografija s motovunskom tematikom i motovunskim "pricama u slici", tiskanim u velikom formatu i uokvirenim u starim, restauriranim prozorskim krilima što su ih umjetnici pronašli u samom Motovunu.

Uz navedeno, dvojac je naslikao i mnoge slike manjeg formata u ulju i na drvetu, koje predocuju osjecaje i emocije za njihova boravka u Motovunu. Dio izložbe sastoji se od razolikih umjetnickih "instalacija" od kamena, drveta, metala i ostalih materijala što ih je umjetnicki par pronašao u preostalim motovunskim ruševinama. Taj dio izložbe živo predocuje ambijent iz ne tako davnih odsjecaka vremena ovog srednjevijekovnog grada.


fine art exhibition from STEPHANundVERENA in Motovun

Here in Motovun the artists have prepared an exhibition in the loggia at the gate of ST. Maria della porta which will be open for the public from the 18th of July till the end of august. All artworks were made exclusively by STEPHANundVERENA at the respective place.

STEPHANundVERENA have been traveling through europe in the name of art as freelance artists since 1994. They work in interesting buildings which stand empty and prepare exhibitions of modern art with reference to the history of the buildings and their relation to the people. This brings attraction to the building and adds value to the community, the village or the town from a cultural, economic and touristic point of view. In the past, they have prepared a lot of exhibitions in castles and historical buildings also using historical themes like witchhunts and the plague with reflections and projections from the past to the present or even the future. Their creations encompass a varied range going from multimedia room installations with video, audio and light effects to paintings and art prints, going through sculptures, objects and web and screen design.

The pictures which will be presented are on the one hand photographs showing little motovun stories edited on the computer and printed out in big dimensions to 1,50 meters and framed in old restored windows found in and around Motovun.
On the other hand STEPHANundVERENA painted little, abstract pictures in oil on wood which show the feeling and the emotion of their Motovun-stay.
The third part of the exhibition will be the installations. They consist of material like stones, wood and metal the artist couple found in the ruins of the town and constructed new art objects expressing the ambience of the medieval town in these times.

Opening at full moon:

Friday 18.07.2008
at 20.00 o´clock

In the loggia next to the lower gate at the church ST. Maria delle porte at borgo 49, Motovun. The artists will inaugurate the exhibition and explain their newest artworks all created in Motovun. free entry. Further info:


Putujuci umjetnici izlažu u Motovunu


Umjetnicki par iz njemackog Karlsruhea Stephan & Verena veceras ce u 20 sati u Ulici Borgo otvoriti umjetnicku izložbu. U lodi pored donjih gradskih vrata posjetitelji ce moci vidjeti što je umjetnicki tandem u posljednja dva mjeseca (od kada boravi u gradicu Velog Jože) uspio stvoriti na temu Motovuna. Posjetitelje ocekuje široki umjetnicki izricaj, jer tandem u stvaralackom radu koristi multimedijalne sobne instalacije s video, zvucnim i svjetlosnim efektima, umjetnicke otiske, slike, skulpture te racunalni dizajn.

A. D.





Radio Labin 16.07.08 11.30 -11.50 Uhr Kulturne minute
Radio Labin 16.07.08 14.00 Uhr News download






Radovi kreirani od odbacenih predmeta


Neobicnoj izložbi kreativnog para Stephana i Verene posvjedocilo je tridesetak gostiju u petak navecer u jednoj od motovunskih loda koja je u vlasništvu Eve i Lothara Justa. Ovi su životni suputnici jedan dio lode u koji su spremali osobne stvari preuredili i od njega osmislili izložbeni prostor.
Izložbom dominiraju skulpture napravljene od odbacenih predmeta koje su lokalni stanovnici proglasili suvišnima, a ovi kreativci prenamijenili i od njih napravili instalacije te od odbacenih prozorskih okana okvire za slike. U slikovnom dijelu, koje je radeno fotografijom, kolažom, retuširanjem i web dizajnom, dominiraju vizure Motovuna i okolnih mjesta.
- Kad smo došli u Motovun potkraj svibnja padala je jaka kiša, a ulicama su se lile rijeke, i osjetili smo da je dobro tlo za dobre osjecaje. Olicili smo zidove koristeci crvenu karojsku zemlju i krenuli smo s preuredenjem prostora u atelje. Sve naše slike imaju pricice skrivene u sebi, rekli su na otvaranju Stephan i Verena. I zaista, pojedine slike, poput retuširane fotografije turista kako kroz dalekozor gledaju u daljinu, šalju poruku da su i turisti ljudska bica, da je cilj putovanja putovanje ili pak da je stvarnost iluzija. Slike govore o ljubavi, opcinjenosti prirodom, žabama i drugim, kao i o lokalnoj legendi Velom Joži. Radovi su razigrani i donose kombinaciju nadrealistickih elemenata poput ogromnog škorpiona koji napada Motovun ili pak dražesne djevojcice Alice koja u ruci drži »renault 4«.
Stephan i Verena putuju Europom kao slobodni umjetnici od 1994. godine. Rade uglavnom u napuštenim zgradama i prostorima u kojima stvaraju i prireduju izložbe moderne umjetnosti koja se odnosi na povijest tih zgrada i prostora te naglašava i oživljava odnos ljudi i prostora u kojem žive. Ova je zanimljiva izložba otvorena do kraja kolovoza.





Art photo exhibition opened in Motovun, Istria

The loggia at the lower gate at the opening

After 10 weeks of working, the german artist couple STEPHANundVERENA opened last Friday their exhibition in the loggia at the lower gate near the church ST. Maria della porta in Motovun for the public. Approximately 70 guest came and were curious what the artists have build and constructed since they arrived in Motovun. STEPHANundVERENA always live, work and exhibit at special places they choose and work out an exhibition about the place and its people.
Usualy their creations encompass a varied range going from multimedia installations with video, audio and light effects to paintings and art prints, going through sculptures, objects and web and screen design. This time the guests saw photographies of the town of Motovun and its surrounding edited in the computer enriched with little hidden stories about what the artists had found out about the town and its inhabitants. The photos are put together from multiple shots from different ankles of perspective and also exposure into one picture and cut again into pieces after edition, so it appears to the viewer like many tiles which result in a big, to 150cm tall picture. They are presented in old restored windowframes the artistcouple found in ruins in and arround Motovun.
For example they put the Motovun mountain not like known in the fog and mist but on top of a huge cloud and called the picture cloud No 7-9. Or in another picture one can see the hill in the middle of the sea like a Mont St. Michel, because during the working period the artists had hardly to fight with masses of water.
The visitors also enjoyed an installation with wood, stones and roof tiles where 10 small abstract paintings are placed. In the middle of the exhibitionroom 3 objects are placed, made out of material from the village which let the visitors think about the behaviour of human beings towards nature.
The exhibition is to be seen till the end of August in the loggia at the lower gate near the church ST. Maria della porta in Motovun. The entry is free.

Photocollage cloud No 7-9